Why A Fall Cleansing Is Important

 means holding routines for seasonal change. An Ayurveda Cleanse diet is common in this time of change.”Rutu” means the seasonal movement of time and “charya” means routine. Each season influences the bodily cells, organs and systems as well as the three doshas in different ways.

According to Ayurveda, a person is a reflection of nature and like people seasons have a prakriti or constitution. Spring is like Kapha, summer is like Pitta and fall ​

resembles Vata. Thus certain disorders are more common in certain seasons. Kapha disorders are more common in the spring and one sees more  colds, congestion and allergies. Vata and Pitta imbalances are more common in the fall. But depending on your prakriti and vikriti, the protocols will vary.

In the transition between two seasons you can see nature shedding one season and moving to the next. Just like the tree shedding its leaves, you also need to shed what your body does not need anymore so you can prepare yourself for the cold.This means  shedding the diet, lifestyle and attitudes of summer and move to more appropriate behaviors for fall.

The Ayurveda cleanse allows the digestive system to rest, purifies the doshas and reset the system for the next season. It also help resist seasonal ailment, helps improve immunity and energy and prepare your body for the colder months ahead.

The guideline for these therapeutic measures depends on the health of the individual and the health of the digestive fires.

Before beginning a cleanse it is important to know the imbalance of the dosha, dhatus and malas and how to treat them so the help of a practitioner can be useful.

Typically the fall season because of its light, dry, rough and windy conditions will provoke Vata and there are some general guidelines that can be followed if one is health

If there are no doshic imbalances, eat a Vata pacifying diet. More cooked and well oiled foods. Salad is not a good choice.

  • Eat more sweet, sour and salty food.
  • Eat warm , soothing and digested foods.
  • Drink warm teas such as ginger, cinnamon and cardmamon tea.
  • Go to bed early and get up early
  • Do a daily oil massage.
  • Avoid skipping meals
  • Avoid cold drinks
  • Avoid exposure to wind, especially in the ears